Saturday, 5 December 2015

Back with Enzymes!

Hi Readers!

Sorry I haven't posted in a long time, I've been so busy with revision!

Question to ponder:

How can an enzyme change the colour of your skin?

- Geeker

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Thinking Thursday: Which is Which?

I thought I'd add a little Thursday surprise!

Can you work out the differences between each of these?

1. Chiropractor Vs  Physiotherapist
2. Cardiac arrest Vs Myocardial infarction
3. Osmosis Vs Osmoregulation

- Geeker!

Science Jokes! 

- Geeker

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

BrightMed Announcement

 Attention all BrightMed Year 11 Students!

For any Year 11 students that missed Saturday's session - there's a very important task for this year. Get in touch for more details!
Posted by BrightMed at BSMS on Tuesday, 20 October 2015
- Geeker

Sunday, 18 October 2015

BrightMed: Session 1!

 Time has gone quickly, as yesterday was another session back at BrightMed! And, I have to say, they never fail to interest!

This is definitely going to be a long post, so grab your tea or coffee, and get reading!

We began the session by scrutinising the differences between primary care and secondary care. We found various job roles for each, let's take a look at some here:

Primary care:
  • General practitioner (GP)
  • Family doctor
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Pharmacist
  • Optician
  • Dentist

Secondary care:
  •  Hospital
    • Dermatologists
    • Urologists
    • Cardiologists
  • Specialised clinics
  • Speech therapists
  • Occupational therapists 

Next, we looked at a multidisciplinary team. One example was poor Mrs Beaton, who was diagnosed with breast cancer. Here are some people who could be at a multidisciplinary team to discuss her treatment:

  • Cancer nurse
  • Occupational therapist
  • Radiologist
  • Social worker
  • GP
  • Pathologist
  • Oncologist
  • Health care assistant
  • Surgeon
  • Physiotherapist
  • Clinical biochemist
  • Pharmacist 

 After this, we discussed how to take a person's history. Do you know the steps?

Here is what they suggested:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Explain why you are there
  • Ask for consent
Patient demographics
  • General information about the patient (Name, age, etc.)
Presenting complaint
  • Briefly, why has the patient arrived today? 
History of presenting complaint

  • Details about the presenting complaint
Past medical history
  • Past experience of health problems
 Drug history
  • List of medicatinos they take
  • Allergies?
Family history
  • Medical conditions/causes of death within the family
Social history
  • Home life and hobbies
  • Alcohol consumption and tobacco use
 And then, you're done taking the history!

So, apart from that, what can you check for on examination?

First you need to use the acronym "WIPER" - Wash, Introduce, Permission, Expose, Reposition

Next, you're ready to get hands on (which the patients consent, of course)!

-Any signs of clubbing?
-Xanthomas (these can signify high cholesterol/lipids)
-Nicotine stains

-Xanthomatus eruptions
-Pulse (radial) - you can also check for a delay between both wrists, too
-Blood pressure

-Pulse (carotid)

-Pale conjunctivae
-Corneal arcus (common in the elderly, but in young people it can signify high cholesterol/lipids)
-Nicotine stained teeth

-Pectus exavatum
-Pectus carinatum
-Auscultation sites (aorta - base right, pulmonic - base left, mitral - apex, and tricuspid - left lateral stermal border)

-Peripheral oedema (fluid)

-Pulse (posterior tibial artery)

Wow! That's a lot of examination!

Next, was Station 3 - Heart Sounds!

First, let's look at the parts of the heart that are involved:

Systolic Vs Diastolic. [Source:]
Next, we can take a look at the normal Vs abnormal sounds for a heart:

[Source: Wikipedia]

Curious to what these abnormal sounds can signify?

In simple terms:

Stenosis is a narrowing
Regurgitation is leaking

Here's part one of a very interesting video:

Finally, we looked at ECGs - Electrocardiogram

Which is the "recording of electroactivity of the heart using electrodes placed over the heart, wrists and ankles"

What can effect it?

  • Heart rate monitoring
  • Arrhythmias
  • Disorders in the activation sequence
  • Increased thickness
  • Myocardial ischemia and infarction
  • Drugs 
We monitor them through a series of waves:

Then, we look at the heart's electrical system:

Finally, here's a great video of ECG cardiac arrhythmias

What a day!

Don't forget to follow @BrightMed on Twitter!

- Geeker

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Dissections and Surveys!

Hi, everyone!

 I did some cool lung and heart dissections recently!

 Here's a pic:

But, besdies that, it would be absolutely great if you could take part in this survey - don't worry, it's absolutely anonymous.

Thanks in advance!

- Geeker

Wednesday, 16 September 2015


Sorry folks, there's been a hold up...

But enjoy this comic for now!

- Geeker

Sunday, 13 September 2015

What's coming?!

Secret Sunday, Mash-Up Monday, Wednesday Words and Last Week's Answers all coming Wednesday!
- Geeker

Friday, 11 September 2015


 Here's our new FAQ!

Q: Where have you been?

A: I've been doing some very important studying, thus, content wasn't very frequent. Sorry about that!

Q: Have you returned?

A: I have indeed! Ready and waiting to post some good content!

Q: What's coming next?

Q: Well, if you haven't seen my previous posts... we've got some other regular "series" running.

That includes our "What's In My House?" - if you haven't read it, take a look!

 Plus, here's a little "sneak peak" I posted ages ago...

Q: What branches in medicine and doctoring interest you?

A: That's a tricky one! There's so many I love!

Emergency medicine is so important, as is surgery, and I have a big interest for these. Whilst neurology, and cardiology I find so intruiging too. I like working with children, and the elderly. Plus, I even like radiology!

So many choices!

Hope you enjoyed reading our FAQ/Q&A

- Geeker

First-Aid Friday: Emergency Tracheotomy

Perhaps not the traditional First-Aid Friday..

[Table courtesy to:]

Emergency  Find the indentation between the Adam's apple and the Cricoid cartilage.
Make a half-inch horizontal incision about one half inch deep.
Pinch the incision or insert your finger inside the slit to open it.
Insert your tube into the incision, roughly one-half to one inch deep.

- Geeker

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Wednesday Words: NHS Terminology

This one's by the NHS...

[Word] is a common, long-term condition of the digestive system. It can cause bouts of stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and/or constipation.
 Can you guess?

- Geeker

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Mash-Up Monday: The Compilation!

Since we missed the Mash-Up Monday.. and a few others, I thought I'd treat you to a collection of different anagrams.

Have fun!






- Geeker

Monday, 31 August 2015

Very Busy!

Been very busy recently... but don't worry, I'll be back!

- Geeker

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

So Busy, But Still Time For Answers! Last Week's Answers 19!

 Although I've been very busy in this last week, I must give you the answer you have been craving for...

Did you see this picture?

Deep Vein Thrombosis!

When these deep veins within the body get blood clotted, it can cause swelling and pain... This is DVT!

Here's some more about it:

- Geeker

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Last Week's Answers 18!

 Ready for the answers?

 Secret Sunday: Septicaemic plague!

The septicaemic plague is caused by the Yersinia pestis bacteria, and is one of three types of the plague. Although septicaemic plague is rarely contracted person to person, it is a complication of the untreated bubonic plague - yet buboes do not develop. You may experience: chills, fever, weakness, abdomen pain, bleeding - which would form underneath the skin or organs, and thus, shock.

Mash-Up Monday: Urethra!

This long tube connects the bladder to the urinary meatus, which removes from the body.

Wednesday Words: Cecum!

According to Wikipedia:

In herbivores, the cecum stores food material where bacteria are able to break down the cellulose. This function no longer occurs in the human cecum (see vermiform appendix), so in humans it is simply a dead-end pouch forming a part of the large intestine.

- Geeker

It's a Mash-Up... Of Mash-Up Monday!

 It's one of those times where I preesnt to you:

Your Mash-Up Monday combined with a Secret Sunday!

- Geeker

Friday, 14 August 2015

Freaky Friday - Time is Ticking!

It's Freaky Friday!

(Nah, just kidding - it's time for our First-Aid Friday post)

The time is ticking, (more bad puns)

So, let's look at the ticks! And how to remove them!

Firstly, there's a little diagram here:

Want more? The CDC can dish out some pretty useful information:

- Geeker

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Wednesday Words, and Thinking Thursday - It's a Mix Up!

 Wednesday Words!

 So, what is it this time?

"[Word] is an intraperitoneal pouch, that is considered to be the beginning of the large intestine. It receives chyme from the ileum, and connects to the ascending colon of the large intestine."
Here's an abnormality of it:

Thinking Thursday

How many lobes does the human brain have?

- Geeker

Langauges - Test Your Spanish

As some of you may know, I thoroughly enjoy learning new languages - one of them being Spanish. So, I thought I'd do something slightly different than usual.

I would highly reccomend "LightSpeed Spanish" as a tool to test your Spanish listening skills!

- Geeker


Thank you everyone!

Hope you're enjoying the content!

- Geeker

What's In My House?: Bedbugs!

What's in My House?

That's right, we've finally deduced what's wrong with Mr Bill!

Mr Bill was ill from the bed bugs, found in the bedroom, which cause: numerous bites in a line, intensely itchy welts, bloodstained sheets and reddened skin.

Bedbugs can live in the small cracks in your bed, particularly in the bed frame joints and in the seams of your mattress!

The worst part? Bedbugs can easily crawl and manoeuvre themselves around your house as soon as they enter your home - whether by you, or by someone else.

Once an infestation is found, you should call the British Pest Control Association to deal with your little creatures!

But, if you're adamant that you can dispose of them yourself, then the NHS recommends these steps:

  • if clothes or bedlinen have become infested, wash them at 60C, or put them in a dryer on a hot setting for 30 minutes to kill the bugs
  • dismantle your bed and furniture, and closely inspect every seam, crevice and joint using a bright torch
  • use a vacuum cleaner with a hose to suck up any bugs you can see, but bear in mind you may not be able to find them all – dispose of the contents of the vacuum cleaner in a sealed bag
  • to kill any remaining bugs, use insecticide spray specially designed for bedbugs – always read the label and never use this directly on clothing, linen or your mattress
  • be prepared to throw away a mattress if it appears to be heavily infested
The only other things left to do? Treat the bites. You can do this by being prescribed some mild steroid creams, or by taking antihistamine tablets - recommended by your pharmacist.

Avoid the bedbugs! Keep your bedroom tidy! Avoid clutter! And finally, don't buy second hand mattresses.

What will Mr Bill have next?

- Geeker

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Welcome Everyone!

Welcome everyone, to my blog!

I welcome you with a short animation!


Well, I hope you enjoyed the animation.

Recently we've had some updates to how the blog looks, so, I'd be so happy you give you a tour!

Firstly, you can now follow us! That's right; go ahead and click "Follow" or even put your email address in for regular updates!

New sidebar - how about you join?
You can also take a look at the tabs in the header, how about you give them a push? You can like our Facebook page, which is regularly updated with Haemobloggings posts. Perfect for keeping in touch!

Now we even offer more options to respond to the posts. At the footer of each notice, you'll find a selection of different responses, reactions, comments and sharing options. 

Want to respond? Now there's more options!


And don't worry, we're not missing the search bar - it's still at the top, with an even easier way to +1 on your Google+ Account!

I hope you enjoy the newer Haemobloggings.

Keep learning!

- Geeker

Monday, 10 August 2015

What's In My House?! Itchy? Bites?

 What's In My House?!

It's time for a new guessing game; where I present to you our patient, Bill. Bill lives in a typical suburban house, but, he often gets ill. Bill will present to you with his symptoms that have been causing him discomfort?

Can YOU diagnose Bill?

Name the cause, where it's found, and advise on treatment! It's all in your hands!

This is his home: 

Patient Name: Mr Bill

Age: 28


Several bites in a line

Welts itch intensely

Blood stains on his sheets

Skin is red

- Geeker

Mash-Up Monday: Urine Trouble!

 It's a Mash-Up Monday, Folks! Can you guess?


- Geeker

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Last Week's Answers 17!

It's here; it's time for us to reveal last week's answers!

 Secret Sunday: Hypertrophic Scars!

Hypertrophic scars are a build up of excessive amounts of collagen, this raises the skin. However, these are not to be confused with keloid scars, as these are more significantly raised. Ever had one?

 Mash-Up Monday: Patulous Eustachian Tube

Your auditory tube called the "Eustachian tube" links the middle ear to the nasopharynx. When this remains constantly open, this is called Patulous Eustachian Tube. This can cause symptoms like muffled hearing and autophony

 Wednesday Words: It's an Otoscope!

You've had it's definition and an image, so here's what it can do!

- Geeker

Secret Sunday: It's Been Contracted!

 But, what is it?

- Geeker

Sporty Weekend!

It's the weekend... so let's get sporty!

How do we train our bodies for Formula One?
 Last year, Jenson Button revealed his secrets!

Fancy some video games?

Try out this new channel!

Our bodies are incredible!

- Geeker

Feline Medicine!

Cat scans!

- Geeker

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Help! There's Bugs In The Water!

"Oh waiter, there seems to be a cryptosporidium bug in my water!"

"No problem sir, just boil it!"

Yes, more than 300,000 homes have been forced to resort to extreme measures - these houses in Lancashire now must boil their water, in the hope that it is finally safe to drink.

The bug, cryptosporidium was found in traces, and causes Cryptosporidiosis - a parasitic disease.

This disease prominently presents itself as diarrhoea for those who are immunocompromised

Here's the map from the BBC of areas affected:

Stay tuned for more information tomorrow!

- Geeker

Human GIFS!

Let's begin the weekend with some body GIFS!

- Geeker